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[size=0.875]This tutorial is in progressive sections and will guide you through the use of the main model creation commands in DesignSpark Mechanical. The first two sections will help you build two models (using the Sketch, Select and Pull tools) and the third section will show you how to assemble the models together (using a range of Movefunctions). Following sections will illustrate further skills, including Fill (removing features) and Combine (cutting into one model using another model or merging two models together). You will then be able to design your own parts and assemble them using the same tools and functions.
[size=0.875]The models created in sections 1 & 2 are used in later tutorials. If you have not completed section 1 and 2 but need to work on later sections you can access the models from the knowledge items section of designspark.com.
[size=0.875]SECTION 1 - PIN CUBE
  • Open DesignSpark Mechanical (or File > New > Design if moving on from a previous design) and close the welcome screen
  • Ensure the Design tab on the Ribbon bar is selected
  • Select Plan view in the Design options on the Ribbon bar
  • From the Sketch tools select Rectangle
  • On the sketch grid, left click & hold, drag and click again to create a rectangle
  • Type 25 to set the dimension in one axis
  • Press Tab key on the keyboard to switch axes
  • Type 25 to set the dimension in the other axis
  • Press Enter – you should now have a 25mm square sketch on the grid in plan view
  • Select Home view (top left on Ribbon bar)
  • Highlight the Pull tool on the Ribbon bar
  • Left click on the square sketch surface and pull the shape up a few millimetres  in the direction of the yellow arrow using left click and drag (alternatively hover the cursor over the square and left click & drag it up) and keep the left mouse button held down
  • Type 25 to set the new height of the cube
  • Press Enter (and release mouse button)
  • Press Home to reset the view
  • Left click in white space to end the extrude action
  • To round off the edges of the cube, multiple select them using Ctrl + left click (to select them all you will need to tumble the cube using the middle mouse button & manipulate mouse). To select all edges more easily you can edit the Selection filter (white cursor arrow at bottom of screen) by deselecting Smart and Faces. Whilst still in Pull mode[size=0.875] drag a box around the model. All edges should then be selected and highlighted orange, but none of the faces.
  • [size=0.875]Using the Pull[size=0.875] tool, left click and drag[size=0.875] the yellow arrow towards the centre of the cube a small distance
  • [size=0.875]Type 2[size=0.875] to set the radius of the round
  • [size=0.875]Press Enter[size=0.875] – the cube should now have all edges rounded
  • [size=0.875]From the sketch tools on the ribbon bar select Circle[size=0.875] (the sketch grid should appear active)
  • [size=0.875]Hover the cursor over a face of the cube to position the grid there, left click[size=0.875] to start sketching (you should see that the grid is centred on the mid-point of the face of the cube)
  • Left click[size=0.875] the sketch cursor on the centre point of the sketch grid, hold & drag[size=0.875] to 10mm (along an axis to keep clean dimensions) (or type dimension) and release
  • [size=0.875]In the same way as when you dragged the sketch to create the cube, use the Pull[size=0.875]function to drag the circle up a short distance and release the drag
  • [size=0.875]Type 7[size=0.875] to set the length of the pin
  • [size=0.875]Repeat the last 4 steps on all faces of the cube. You will need to tumble[size=0.875] the cube to view all sides by holding down middle mouse button and manoeuvring the mouse[size=0.875] (the cube should now have 6 x 10mm diameter pins, 7mm long, on it)
  • [size=0.875]To add a round to the end of the pins, ensure the Pull[size=0.875] tool from the ribbon bar is active
  • Left click[size=0.875] on the edge of the end of the pin to highlight
  • Left click and drag[size=0.875] the arrow down a short distance
  • [size=0.875]Type 1.5[size=0.875] to set the radius of the round
  • [size=0.875]Repeat the last 3 steps for each pin
  • [size=0.875]Save your file as PIN CUBE

下一篇:3d打印建模軟件DesignSpark Mechanical使用教程之載入模型
2013-9-16 10:51:13 | 只看該作者
  • [size=0.875]In clear space in the design window left click and drag[size=0.875] downwards to add the chamfers and (either during or after the drag action) type 1 to set the chamfer to a 45 degree 1mm feature
  • [size=0.875]Save your file as HOLED CUBE.
[size=0.875]The HOLED CUBE is now complete
SECTION 3 - Assembling cubes
  • Open DesignSpark Mechanical and close the welcome screen
  • Ensure your PIN CUBE and HOLED CUBE designs are open (Link to cube models: http://designspark.com/eng/knowl ... hanical-tutorials-2)
  • Create a new file containing both parts by triple clicking on the PIN CUBE and using the Copy command from the top left on the ribbon bar (remember: triple click select only selects item as a solid - to select devices with their component details you should either select from the structure tree or use the select component tool)
  • Left click into the HOLED CUBE design and use the Paste command to place the PIN CUBE into the design (the imported model will often coincide with the existing model to some extent at this stage – this is not a problem)
  • Save the file as CUBE ASSEMBLY
  • Select the Move function from the ribbon bar. [size=0.875]A move anchor[size=0.875] will appear in the model with 3 coloured axial arrows. Left click and drag[size=0.875] one of the arrows to move the imported cube away from its partner shape so there is clear space between them
  • [size=0.875]To assemble the cubes together as they would physically appear you will need to use the Move, Up to[size=0.875] function a number of times to position the cubes in the nominal x[size=0.875], y and z[size=0.875] axes. While the cube is still selected for Move[size=0.875], grab the central boss of the Move anchor[size=0.875] and position it so it sits on a face of the cube which you wish to align with the partner cube. Left click[size=0.875] on the arrow of the Move anchor[size=0.875]which sits in the axis you need to use to do the first align. A command icon menu will appear. Left click[size=0.875] on the 3rd[size=0.875] icon (a green arrow pointing at a rectangular sketch frame) and then Left click[size=0.875] on the face of the partner cube which you wish to align with (a point or edge can be selected as long as they sit on that face). The two faces should now be in line.
  • [size=0.875]Repeat the above step until you have matched all 3 axes of the cubes. They should now be assembled.
  • [size=0.875]To expand the assembly, create additional cubes of each version by triple clicking, copying and pasting [size=0.875]and assemble them together in the same way as above.
[size=0.875]The Fill tool is designed to remove features from models and replace them with surrounding geometry.
[size=0.875]In many cases it is clear and obvious how to do this but, in some cases, care is needed to ensure it is clear what is to be removed and which geometry is to be used to replace it.
[size=0.875]Also, the Fill function can either be activated after selecting a feature on the model, or before. If the Fill tool on the Ribbon bar is clicked on whilst no part of the model is selected then the tool will remain active whilst repeated fills are carried out (using the Enter key to complete each fill in turn). In contrast, if the Fill tool is clicked on when a part of the model is already selected, the tool will not remain active after the fill.
[size=0.875]The following exercise will go through some examples so that the skills can be applied to future work.
  • Open DesignSpark Mechanical (and close the welcome screen)
  • Open the HOLED CUBE model from the section 2 exercise (or access it from the knowledge items in DesignSpark.com)
  • Left click on one of the rounded corners of the cube to select just that surface
  • Press Fill on the ribbon bar. You should see that the geometry of the 3 rounded edges connected to that corner has been extended to remove the rounded corner (and the Select tool on the Ribbon bar has returned to active state)
  • Click once more on the Fill tool on the Ribbon bar to activate (note that it remains active this time because there is no part of the model selected)
  • Now Left click on one of the rounded edges between any 2 side faces of the cube and press Enter (you should see that the geometry of the 2 flat sides has extended to remove the rounded edge)
  • Repeat step 6 on the other rounded edges to remove them (note that the Fill toolremains active for the sequence of actions)
  • Now select (by Left clicking) one of the cylindrical surfaces inside the cube and press Enter. You should see that the cylindrical hole has closed off into a conical depression. This is because the Fill tool, as described in the preamble, has used the surrounding geometry to replace the filled feature, in this case the 45 degree chamfer.
  • Left click on the Undo tool to reinstate the cylindrical hole
  • Left click on the chamfered edge of the hole to select it
  • Press Enter to remove the chamfer

2013-9-16 10:51:44 | 只看該作者
  • Now Left click on the internal bore of the cylinder to select it again and press Enter to fill the hole and restore a closed flat face to the cube (because this time the Fill tool has used the geometry of the face of the cube to replace the hole)
  • Open the PIN CUBE model (Select mode should be active on the Ribbon bar by default)
  • To use the Fill tool to remove one of the pins we need to use Ctrl Left Click x3 to multiple select the three surfaces of the pin (the cylinder, the round and the end face) otherwise part of the pin will not be selected and the tool will not know how to replace it
  • Click on Fill on the Ribbon bar to remove the pin, restoring a flat side to the cube[size=0.875]
[size=0.875]You may want to save these examples or continue to develop them. Another option for developing skill with the Fill tool would be to import a 3D model and modify it using the above functions.
[size=0.875]The combine tool is designed to allow two main actions to be carried out:
1. Using the shape of one solid to cut into another one, and
2. Merging adjacent or overlapping models into one object
[size=0.875]The following exercise will go through some examples so that the skills can be applied to future work.
[size=0.875]1. Open DesignSpark Mechanical (and close the welcome help screen)
2. Open the COMBINE MODELS file from the knowledge item area of DesignSpark.com
[size=0.875]3. Triple left click on the connector to select it and press z to zoom in to the extents of the selected item
4. Select the Move tool on the Ribbon bar
5. Click on the anchor button to the left of the design screen
6. Select the inner face of the connector body by left clicking to place the move anchor on that face
7. Left click on the blue arrow of the move anchor and then click on the “Up to” command icon
8. Select the outer face of the rectangular casing by clicking on it to move the face of the connector onto it
9. Click in white space to end the Move action
10. Select Combine on the Ribbon bar
11. As prompted, select the casing as the target object
12. Select the connector as the cutter object (note that there are now lots of new solids listed in the structure tree – these are all the parts of the casing sidewall which have been cut by the profile of the connector)
13. Next to the 7156 connector solid in the structure tree un-tick the box to hide the object
14. Whilst still in Combine mode, drag a select box around the lines in the wall of the casing created by the connector to remove those parts of the wall of the casing
15. Click in white space to end the Combine action (note that the structure tree shows only the 3 solids again after all of the cut parts of the casing have been removed)
16. Re-tick the 7156 box in the structure tree to see the connector in position
17. Now position the RS logo using the Move and Move – up to tools so that it is placed onto the outer face of the casing as shown and note that there are now 4 solids shown on the structure tree (7156 connector plus the casing and the 2 parts of the logo)
18. Click in white space to end the Move
19. Re-select the Combine tool on the Ribbon bar
20. As prompted, select the casing as the target object
21. Now, instead of selecting a cutter object, select the Merge icon as shown
22. Drag a select box around the RS Logo to select both solids and click on the logo
[size=0.875]Note that the structure tree is now only showing 2 solids (the connector and the casing which now incorporates the logo)








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