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研究方向:1. 高性能金屬材料制備與加工理論及技術(shù),;
2. 材料先進連接技術(shù),;
3. 材料表面改性技術(shù),;
4. 固相增材制造(3D打�,。┘夹g(shù),;
5. 超細晶材料制備加工
1. Wang W*, Xu RQ, Hao YX, Wang Q, Yu LL, Che QY, Cai J, Wang KS, Ma ZY, Corrosion fatigue behavior of friction stir processed interstitial free steel, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2018, 34(1): 148-156.
2. Zheng XB, Zhang T, Yang HJ, Zheng QL, Gao YM, Liu ZW*, Wang W*, Wang KS, Friction stir processing induced elctrochemical performance improvement of commercial Al for Al-air battery, Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 354: 136635.
3. Qiao K, Zhang T, Wang KS, Yuan SN, Zhang SY, Wang LQ, Wang Z, Peng P, Cai J, Liu CZ, Wang W*, Mg/ZrO2 metal matrix nanocomposites fabricated by friction stir processing: microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2021, 9: 605171.
4. Peng P, Wang W*, Zhang T, Liu Q, Guan XH, Qiao K, Cai J, Wang KS, Effects of interlayer metal on microstructures and mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded dissimilar joints of magnesium and aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2021, 9: 117362.
5. Peng P, Wang KS, Wang W*, Yang T, Liu Q, Zhang T, Zhang SY, Cai J, Qiao K, Wang LQ, Wang HD, Liu J, Intermetallic compounds: Formation mechanism and effects on the mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded dissimilar joints of magnesium and aluminum alloys, Materials Science & Engineering: A, 2021, 802: 140554.
6. Wang W*, Han P, Peng P, Guo HJ, Huang LY, Qiao K, Hai MN, Yang Q, Wang HD, Wang KS*, Wang LQ, Superplastic deformation behavior of fine-grained AZ80 magnesium alloy prepared by friction stir processing, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9: 5252-5263.
7. Wang W*, Han P, Wang YH, Zhang T, Peng P, Qiao K, Wang Z, Liu ZH, Wang KS*, High-performance bulk pure Al prepared through cold spray-friction stir processing composite additive manufacturing, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9: 9073-9079.
8. Wang W*, Yuan SN, Qiao K, Wang KS, Zhang SY, Peng P, Zhang T, Han P, Wu B, Yang J, Microstructure and nanomechanical behavior of friction stir welded joint of 7055 aluminum alloy, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 61: 311-321.
9. Wang W, Zhang SY, Qiao K*, Wang KS*, Peng P, Yuan SN, Chen SY, Zhang T, Wang Q, Liu T, Yang Q, Microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded joint of TRIP steel, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2020, 56: 623-634.
10. Wang W*, Qiao K, Wu JL, Li TQ, Cai J, Wang KS, Fatigue properties of friction stir welded joint of ultrafine-grained 2024 aluminium alloy, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2017, 22(2): 110-119.
11. Wang W*, Han P, Qiao K, Li TQ, Wang KS, Cai J, Wang LQ, Effect of the rotation rate on the low-cycle fatigue behavior of friction-stir welded AZ31 magnesium alloy, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2020, 228:106925.
12. Xie XL*, Chen CY, Chen Z, Wang W, Yin S, Ji G*, Liao HL, Achieving simultaneously improved tensile strength and ductility of a nano-TiB2/AlSi10Mg composite produced by cold spray additive manufacturing, Composites Part B, 2020, 202: 108404.
13. Ouyang Y, Zhang MX, Yan AR, Wang W, Guillou F, Liu J*, Plastically deformed La-Fe-Si: Microstructural evolution, magnetocaloric effect and anisotropic thermal conductivity, Acta Materialia, 2020, 187: 1-11.
14. Peng P, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Han P, Zhang T, Liu Q, Zhang SY, Wang HD, Qiao K, Liu J, Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir processed AISI 316L steel produced by selective laser melting, Materials Characterization, 2020,163:110283.
15. Jin YY, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Peng P, Zhou S, Huang LY, Yang T, Qiao K, Zhang B, Cai J, Yu HL, Microstructure and mechanical properties of AE42 rare earth-containing magnesium alloy prepared by friction stir processing, Materials Characterization, 2019, 150: 52-61.
16. Wang HD, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Huang LY, Peng P, Yu HL, Microstructure and mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded type 304 austenitic stainless steel to Q235 low carbon steel, Materials Characterization, 2019, 155:109803.
17. Peng P, Wang W*, Jin YY, Liu Q, Zhang T, Qiao K, Cai J, Wang KS, Experimental investigation on fatigue crack initiation and propagation mechanism of friction stir lap welded dissimilar joints of magnesium and aluminum alloys, Materials Characterization, 2021, 177: 111176.
18. Che QY, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Huang LY, Li TQ, Xi XP, Peng P, Qiao K, Microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium-lithium alloy prepared by friction stir processing, Rare Metals, 2021, 40: 2552-2559.
19. Huang LY, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Yuan J, Qiao K, Yang T, Peng P, Li TQ, Effects of grain size and texture on stress corrosion cracking of friction stir processed AZ80 magnesium alloy, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018, 92: 392-404.
20. Wang W*, Hang P, Peng P, Zhang T, Liu Q, Yuan SN, Huang LY, Yu HL, Qiao K, Wang KS*, Friction stir processing of magnesium alloys: a review, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, 2020, 33: 43-57. (ESI高倍引)
21. Wang W*, Han P, Yuan J, Peng P, Liu Q, Qiang F, Qiao K, Wang KS*, Enhanced mechanical properties of pure zirconium via friction stir processing, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, 2020, 33: 147-153.
22. Wang HD, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Lu YX, Peng P, Han P, Qiao K, Liu ZH, Wang L, Microstructure and mechanical properties of low-carbon Q235 steel welded using friction stir welding, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters, 2020, 33: 1556-1570.
23. Huang LY, Wang KS*, Wang W*, Peng P, Qiao K, Liu Q, Microstructural evolution and corrosion behavior of friction stir processed fine-grained AZ80 Mg Alloy, Materials and Corrosion, 2020, 71:93-108.(封面文章)